
Advertising Services

    • Google AdWords Management encompasses the entire process of managing and overseeing your AdWords account.
    • Big Data Advertising is a type of advertising that zeroes in on consumer data – demographics and behavior included – to target the right people for your campaigns.
    • Bing Ads Management involves all the nitty-gritty details of managing Bing ads. Like Google, Bing makes a substantial effort to ensure accredited clicks or clicks that are invaluable to your campaigns
    • Display advertising can be static images or videos that take on the form of banner ads. They are usually found on web pages.
    • Facebook Advertising is the process of creating ads and strategically showing them to Facebook users based on their activity, demographic data, and use of device.
    • IP targeting works by specifically showing your ads to the specific addresses that you were able to run through an IP mapping system.
    • A landing page is the most effective way to showcase your product or service and convey its unique value to the user or customer.
    • As the name suggests, LinkedIn ads are ad placements on the world’s largest professional network.
    • Native ads are paid media which come in a form that consistently matches your native user experience.
    • Paid Search Marketing is a cost-effective and extremely targeted way of advertising within sponsored listings.
    • PPC management is the process of overseeing and managing your AdWords account to ensure maximum profitability of your campaigns.
    • Retargeting, also referred to as Remarketing, is the process of recapturing lost momentum with a prospect.
    • Site testing involves optimizing your website to speed up your page loads and pave the way for a more reliable uptime.
    • Video advertising is comprised of  online display ads that are placed strategically on web pages. These ads are ideal for reaching your audience and getting them to notice your brand.
    • Yahoo Ad Management is the process of overseeing your ads on Yahoo. It is comparable to Google AdWords in the sense that there are also keyword biddings and budget allocations involved.

Run your campaigns using Searcher Magnet’s PPC Best practices.

Hit sales goals, or you don’t pay.



    james sharp - Services

    “SearcherMagnet’s PPC audit revealed millions of dollars in wasted ad spend. SearcherMagnet took the time to deeply understand our concerns, then fixed our entire lead generation platform from landing pages, to measurement all the way to CRM. They work like an outsourced CMO, deeply integrated into our business, collaborating with my compliance officer and marketing manager. They even worked directly with my loan officers on lead quality – I’m told by some of our veterans these are the best leads in 10 years. All told, they’ve reduced my PPC cost per funded loan 521.48% so far. Sold.”

    rj - Services
    Business Development Executive

    “Commercial real estate development is stuck in past, but Tri-Land Properties vision was of a digital future. So we were pleasantly surprised with how SearcherMagnet’s consulting sort of brought the future to us. We do many things in house, but we’ve been happy to hand off the details web design, facebook ads, adwords ads, landing pages, and research to the SearcherMagnet execution team. They help us pave the future of the digital commercial real estate market for Tri-Land.”